
#humanity #capitalism #M4sydney

"Did you know that we'd all move faster if we drove courteously and merged like a zip?" the boy asked the driver in the car beside him on the motorway who had just cut him off to get ahead.

The driver looked at the boy sitting in his vehicle beside him and did not respond.

"If we merged like a zip and everyone travelled at a reasonable speed and distance, we'd all get where we were going faster and without stress."

The boy was in a merging lane on the motorway and no one was letting him in.  If any space opened up in the adjacent lane a car would fill it as fast as possible so nobody else could take it. No merging was occurring.

"Imagine a world where every driver was courteous and showed each other grace" the boy went on. "Imagine if we could do that. We'd all be moving seamlessly. We wouldn't be accelerating and quickly braking. We wouldn't be tailing each other so closely that when one person suddenly brakes, people 5km or further back on the motorway brake. Do you realise that a lot of traffic on the roads could be avoidable with courteous driving and safe following distances? But the problem is, people are not courteous. They only think about themselves and their own needs. No one trusts each other so everyone shits on each other. No one gets ahead. We end up going nowhere."