ON A GOOD DAY it feels like nothing can stop me. It's like I am channeling the powers of God, I have been called and counted and this remarkable understanding of love and sense of self, others and purpose oozes from my fingertips. In many ways it feels as if I am uncontainable, like I am bigger than my body and greater than a sum of my parts. I am not alone and I feel a connection to humanity, nature and the universe. I get a sense for how it spins: wheels within wheels, circles within cycles, micro and macro. It all comes down to the same glorious design and purpose and I'm looking at all, touching it, feeling it, inhaling it and I realize that we are inseparable. I was made to walk this earth just as every other. Our lives where made to collide and intersect and although there is pain and other inclement weather, this is not the status quo and these are not chains that are set to bind and confine us.
On a good day I feel as though I am found and placed on a high shelf. It is not because I am better than anyone else, it is simply because that is my value along with everyone else. On a good day I am raised up and can see so clearly. Beyond what I can normally process in my head. Beyond what is dragged around in my heart. It lifts like helium. It shoots into the sky and explodes like fireworks in the dark. All my conflicts, all my fears, all my inadequacies, all my guilt and all my wrongs. They become huge explosions resonating throughout the sky, sending shock waves throughout the earth. There is an explosion of light. A multicolored spectacle of space pioneering sparks.
I'm with friends, family and strangers on a good day. We're all watching the firework display and letting it all go. We link arms together and watch it all explode. On a good day we're all up there. So, so high. So, so free. But we are also on the earth. We are extensions of ourselves. We are in all things and we are in each other.
On a good day we are clutching at something intangible.
It feels redemptive. It feels real.
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